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tinyML Summit 2023

Hyatt Regency San Francisco, CA, United States

The tinyML Summit 2023 will be the premier gathering of key tinyML members from all aspects of the ecosystem. This year, end-users, innovators, and business leaders will be invited to Continue readingtinyML Summit 2023

Human Brain Project Summit 2023

Marseille, France Marseille, France

The Human Brain Project Summit 2023 provides an open forum for hundreds of researchers, plus policy makers, media and public, to discuss exciting scientific results, the latest developments in the project, and the cutting-edge services and tools available on the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure is a great opportunity to share the latest developments of the Human Brain Project with the community and external audiences. It is also meant to be a valuable moment of exchange, discussion, and feedback.


University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio, TX, United States

The 2023 Neuro-Inspired Computing Elements (NICE) Conference is the 10th annual meeting of researchers in the neural computing field. Like previous editions, NICE 2023 will focus on the interplay between neural theory, neural algorithms, neuromorphic architectures and hardware, and applications for neural computing technology.

NICE aims to involve diverse participation from all over the world and bring together research communities with universities, government, and industry.

NeuroPAC Seminar: Forum on Neuromorphic Navigation


Panelists: Andrew Davidson, Imperial College, London Kostas Daniilidis, University of Pennsylvania Michael Milford, Queensland University of Technology Join the seminar: https://umd.zoom.us/j/93344217202 More information: https://www.neuropac.info/seminars/

Frances Chance – Modeling Coordinate Transformations in Neural and Neuromorphic Systems

University of Maryland 8125 Paint Branch Dr (Room IRB 4105), College Park, MD, United States

Hosted by the Perception and Robotics Group Seminar Series on Robotics and Computer Vision at the University of Maryland. Abstract. Animals excel at a wide range behaviors, many of which are essential for Continue readingFrances Chance – Modeling Coordinate Transformations in Neural and Neuromorphic Systems