event-ONM 01:27:51 Advances in Neuromorphic Visual Place Recognition... April 26, 2024/ 37 views Event-Based Vision event-ONM,speaker-Fischer-Tobias,year-2024 1:02:10 Accelerating Inference and Training at the Edge: Rain... March 5, 2024/ 11 views Mobile & Edge event-ONM,speaker-Ernoult-Maxence,year-2024 1:25:50 NIR: A Unified Instruction Set for Brain-Inspired Computing February 5, 2024/ 21 views Software & Tools event-ONM,speaker-Pedersen-Jens,year-2024 1:20:19 The ELM Neuron: An Efficient and Expressive Cortical... February 4, 2024/ 68 views Brain-Inspired Models event-ONM,speaker-Spieler-Aaron,year-2024 1:13:46 IBM NorthPole – Neural Inference at the Frontier... January 29, 2024/ 115 views Platforms & Architectures event-ONM,org-IBM,speaker-Carlson-Kris,year-2024 1:26:39 Speeding up Neuromorphic Computing with Spyx –... December 13, 2023/ 6 views Software & Tools event-ONM,year-2023 48:27 What’s Catching Your Eye? The Visual Attention... September 26, 2023/ 33 views Neuromorphic Algorithms,Robotics & Autonomous event-ONM,speaker-D’Angelo-Giulia,year-2023 1:15:05 From C/C++ to Dynamically Scheduled Circuits –... July 2, 2023/ 21 views Software & Tools event-ONM,speaker-Josipovic-Lana,year-2023 12»Page 1 of 2