IEEE EDS BUET Student Branch Chapter is organizing a Distinguished Lecture Webinar Series. The first topic of our series is Near-/in-sensor computing for neuromorphic machine vision and the lecture was delivered by Dr. Yang Chai on July 29, 2021, at 02:00 PM (GMT+6).
Topic: Near-/in-sensor computing for neuromorphic machine vision
Abstract: The number of nodes typically used in sensory networks is growing rapidly, leading to large amounts of redundant data being exchanged between sensory terminals and computing units. To efficiently process such large amounts of data, and decrease power consumption, it is necessary to develop approaches to computing that operate close to or inside sensory networks, and that can reduce the redundant data movement between sensing and processing units. Here we examine the concept of near-sensor and in-sensor computing, in which computation tasks are moved partly to the sensory terminals. We classify functions into low-level and high-level processing, and discuss the implementation of near-sensor and in-sensor computing for different physical sensing systems. We also provide examples for near-/in-sensor computing for neuromorphic machine vision.
Biography: Dr. Yang Chai is an Associate Professor in Department of Applied Physics, Vice President of Physical Society of Hong Kong, a member of The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences, the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer since 2016, and was the Chair of IEEE ED/SSC Hong Kong Chapter (2017-2019). He is a recipient of RGC Early Career Award in 2014, the Semiconductor Science and Technology Early Career Research Award in 2017, PolyU FAST Faculty Award in Research and Scholar Activities in 2018/2019, Young Scientist Award of ICON-2DMAT in 2019, PolyU President’s Award in Research and Scholar Activities in 2019/2020, and NR45 Young Innovators Award in 2021. His current research interest mainly focuses on emerging electronic devices.